Revive aging eyes with Upneeq Eyedrops
Many patients have concerns with “sleepy” or “tired” looking eyes. Upneeq is a prescription eyedrop FDA-approved for acquired ptosis, also referred to as droopy or low-lying eyelids. Upneeq can lift the upper eyelids and open your eyes for a more youthful and refreshed appearance.
What Is Acquired Ptosis?
If your eyes appear heavy or tired, it may be due to a condition called acquired ptosis. This common medical condition affects men and women of all ages and usually develops later in life. Low-lying eyelids can affect the way you look and also how you see things. It can impair vision and interfere with common activities such as driving, reading, and using a computer and can also limit your field of vision.
Acquired ptosis is caused by a stretching and weakening of the muscles in the eyelids, which makes the upper eyelid sag and/or droop. In addition to aging, acquired ptosis can also result from contact lens wear, cataract surgery, or other underlying medical conditions.
Benefits of Upneeq
Upneeq is a daily medicated drop with eye opening effects that can uplift drooping upper eyelids and revitalize tired-looking eyes, allowing you to achieve a youthful look without invasive needles or surgery.
Candidates For Upneeq
If low-lying or heavy upper eyelids interfere with your day-to-day activities such as reading or driving, or cause you to tilt your head back when looking up, you may be a candidate for Upneeq.
Before & After Upneeq
Learn More About Upneeq
If you would like to learn more about Upneeq, please contact us today. We’ll examine your eyes to determine if you are a candidate for Upneeq.
The Doctors at Naples Aesthetic Institute have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.