Arm Lift | Aesthetics in Plastic Surgery
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Trimming the upper arms for a slimmer, sleeker silhouette

With aging comes a softening of muscle tone, sagging skin and a depletion of fat volume. The upper arms are no exception to this process, and when the skin begins to droop and the contours lose their definition, it may cause self-consciousness, especially in sleeveless clothing or swimwear.

Making matters worse, diet and exercise usually have very little effect on these anatomical flaws. Only a surgical intervention can create the youthful physique most patients crave.

An arm lift is a popular, safe and effective surgery that tones, slims and reshapes the upper arms for a more attractive aesthetic overall. Dr. Gill in Naples, FL is among the region’s most experienced and skilled board certified plastic surgeons and can customize your treatment to your unique goals for improvement.

Common benefits of an arm lift include…

  • Correction of the condition known as “bat wings”
  • Improvement in bodily proportions
  • Reduction in excess skin, fat and tissue
  • A more youthful aesthetic
  • Results where dieting and exercise have faltered
  • Improved fit in clothing
  • Boost in self-confidence
  • Well camouflaged scarring
  • Long-lasting, sustainable results

In general, Dr. Gill suggests that her patients be:

  • In good health, both physically and psychologically
  • Free from any significant medical conditions that would impede surgery
  • At a stable, healthy weight for their frame
  • Non-smokers, or willing to quit before and after treatment
  • Willing to follow Dr. Gill’s instructions, before and after treatment
  • Unable to achieve improvement with non-surgical means such as exercise
  • In possession of realistic expectations for improvement, not perfection

Compatible procedures

It is often more cost-effective and time-efficient to combine procedures, so Dr. Gill frequently creates customized packages for her body sculpting clients, such as the mommy makeover.

Dr. Gill offers a wide range of strategic body contouring treatments, including thigh lift, body lift, breast surgery, male breast reduction and tummy tuck in Naples, FL, and she is happy to discuss these options with you in detail during your Naples, FL consultation.

The Doctors at Naples Aesthetic Institute have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

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