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Revive aging eyes with Upneeq Eyedrops

Many patients have concerns with “sleepy” or “tired” looking eyes. Upneeq is a prescription eyedrop FDA-approved for acquired ptosis, also referred to as droopy or low-lying eyelids. Upneeq can lift the upper eyelids and open your eyes for a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

What Is Acquired Ptosis?

If your eyes appear heavy or tired, it may be due to a condition called acquired ptosis. This common medical condition affects men and women of all ages and usually develops later in life. Low-lying eyelids can affect the way you look and also how you see things. It can impair vision and interfere with common activities such as driving, reading, and using a computer and can also limit your field of vision.

Acquired ptosis is caused by a stretching and weakening of the muscles in the eyelids, which makes the upper eyelid sag and/or droop. In addition to aging, acquired ptosis can also result from contact lens wear, cataract surgery, or other underlying medical conditions.

Benefits of Upneeq

Upneeq is a daily medicated drop with eye opening effects that can uplift drooping upper eyelids and revitalize tired-looking eyes, allowing you to achieve a youthful look without invasive needles or surgery.

Candidates For Upneeq

If low-lying or heavy upper eyelids interfere with your day-to-day activities such as reading or driving, or cause you to tilt your head back when looking up, you may be a candidate for Upneeq.

Before & After

Kiran Gill Upneeq patient before photo Kiran Gill Upneeq patient after photo

Learn More About Upneeq

If you would like to learn more about Upneeq, please contact us today. We'll examine your eyes to determine if you are a candidate for Upneeq.

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