Permanent Makeup Naples, FL | Dr. Kiran Gill
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Permanent makeup can simplify your daily beauty routines, saving valuable time and effort by eliminating the need for constant application and touch-ups of cosmetics like eyeliner, lipstick, and eyebrow makeup. It's an excellent solution for those with busy lifestyles or mobility issues. Permanent makeup, also referred to as facial tattooing and micropigmentation, can also provide a natural-looking enhancement, defining facial features and camouflaging imperfections like scars or uneven brows. We’re proud to offer this simple and stunning procedure to patients in Naples and Fort Myers, FL, that involves the artistic application of organic pigments beneath your skin’s surface to give you that permanently made-up, beautiful glam and glow.

Why Permanent Makeup?

If waking up with your eyebrows done and defined and your lips plush, perky and perfectly made up sounds good to you, permanent makeup is probably worth your while.

If you find yourself spending too much time in front of a makeup mirror daily, permanent makeup is an ideal means of achieving natural cosmetic enhancements that last for years to come.

Once you've got permanent make-up, you don't need to worry about getting new cosmetics or the re-application of makeup. You'll have a permanent glow-up.

What is Permanent Makeup?

Permanent makeup is a cosmetic technique wherein organic pigmentation is applied to the skin’s dermis layer to produce results and designs resembling actual makeup. Depending on your cosmetic goals, a member of our highly trained team will use a variety of techniques to shape, fill in and define the eyebrows, apply a permanent eyeliner, give your lips a natural blush, and more. The results can be as dramatic or natural as you want them to be.

Scar Camouflaging

Scar camouflaging with permanent makeup is a remarkable solution that empowers individuals to regain their confidence and embrace their skin's natural beauty. This innovative technique involves the skillful application of pigments beneath the skin's surface to conceal scars caused by surgery, injury, or medical conditions. Whether it's a small blemish or a larger, more noticeable scar, our permanent makeup artist can meticulously blend custom pigments to match the surrounding skin tone, effectively reducing the scar's visibility. This transformative process not only conceals physical reminders of past wounds but also offers individuals a renewed sense of self-assurance and a seamless, flawless appearance.

After Permanent Makeup

FAQs About Permanent Makeup

Is Permanent Makeup Painful?

Local anesthesia is administered to make the permanent makeup process virtually pain-free and very comfortable. Your skin will be numb, and you’ll feel minimal discomfort at most.

How Many Visits do I Need for Permanent Makeup?

The entire permanent makeup process concludes in just two visits, scheduled 6-8 weeks apart. During your initial consultation, we will discuss your cosmetic goals and expectations and together, you’ll come up with a treatment plan that gives you the ideal naturale makeup, according to your unique aesthetic goals.

How Long Does Permanent Makeup Last?

The specific longevity of permanent makeup depends on several factors and varies from one individual to another. Applied correctly, the best results can last for several years, but they’ll eventually start fading away. In most cases, the permanent makeup results start fading away in 1 to 3 years.

The longevity of the results depends on several factors, including your body’s metabolic rate and external environmental factors. Unfortunately, you can’t necessarily control how fast your body metabolizes the pigment, but you can limit your exposure to the sun and wear adequate sunscreen to enhance the treatment longevity. You can also consider maintenance treatments to extend the results.

Is Permanent Makeup Safe?

In the hands of a skilled artist, the procedure is perfectly safe. The risk of an allergic reaction to the organic pigment is negligible.

How Much Does Permanent Makeup Cost?

All pricing includes one touchup
  • Eyebrows: $850
  • Classic Eyeliner: $700
  • Eyeliner Enhancement: $500
  • Lower Eyeliner: $450
  • Full Lips: $850
  • Lip Blush: $750
  • Scar coverage: starting at $450*
* The total cost will be determined at the consultation and is dependent on the number of areas and sessions required.
Elza Orlova

Meet Our Permanent Makeup Artist

Elza Orlova is a specialist of permanent makeup for more than 6 years, as well as an educator and judge for competitions all around the world. In addition to permanent makeup, Elza has worked as a makeup artist, eyebrow and lash artist. During her earlier years, Elza studied at an art school, and her work was related to paints and color. She has won multiple awards in Permanent Makeup and achieved many continuing education certifications, setting her apart as a leader in the industry.

Elza's Permanent Makeup artistry is machine based, specializing in soft and natural results. Her mission is to instill confidence in her clients and help them feel beautiful. She does not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, and listens to each client individually to recommend the best results.

The Doctors at Naples Aesthetic Institute have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.

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